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To Mod Lists! <3
Dragon Age: Origins
Samantha Amell

MANY of these mods are cutscene mods that I use in edits! I also use these with other characters, but I will only link them here to save on space :)Also, I use no cosmetic mods for Sam, so all of the mods in this particular list are mostly either environment, cutscene or texture related.
Grey Wardens of Ferelden - adds the DA2 Warden armor to make the game feel way more real- also seems to work in Awakening!
Cullen Romance Option - Adds in a mini romance with Cullen and a few extra cutscenes that just make everything hurt that little bit more for your Surana or Amell!
Fare Ye Well Duncan - adds in a short but brilliant cutscene where Alistair gets to say a better goodbye to Duncan.
The Rescue at Ishal - massively expands the ending sequence following the Battle of Ostagar; very emotional, especially for an Alistair romance.
DahliaLynn's - Alistair's Visible Kiss - as the name implies.
DahliaLynn's - Sleep Until Dawn - adds in a tent where your Warden can sleep alone, cuddle with their doggy, or invite their LI to spend the night; highly highly recommend to make the camp feel a little more like home!
DahliaLynns's - Alistair's First Night - replaces the default first night cutscene in game with one that is a little more cinematic; mixed feelings, but it's also useful as an editor so I have it.
Alistair Romance Eavesdropping - puts a bench in the party camp which adds a whole bunch of repeatable cutscenes using party banter revolving (mostly) around the Alistair romance; some of them are a little strange but I love this mod and use it a lot for edits and screenshots.
Several Tinimaus Cutscenes - this link should take you to the author of a whole bunch of great Alistair romance cutscene mods; I recommend checking them all out! I have several downloaded myself.
Alistair's Dark Ritual - replaces the dark ritual cutscene with a much, much sweeter scene for a romanced Alistair; completely essential, in my opinion.
A Warden's Sacrifice - adds in a cutscene after the Archdemon is slain that varies based on certain choices.
Skip the Fade - don't judge me for this.
MADD Gift Guide - very helpful tool that tells you which companion prefers which gift; saves me a lot of time googling
Zevran ASAP - pushes up Zevran's recruitment to right after Lothering, so you can start bringing him places sooner!
Skip Fight - don't judge me for this I just got tired of the game crashing when Sam used too many spells.
Korinne Brosca

As I mentioned before, most of these mods are cosmetic, but I kept in most of the non-romance cutscenes from the previous list as well!WARNING: With Korinne's hair, I had to delete and retype the quotation marks in the chargenmorph file to make it work! (You cannot imagine how long it took me to figure out that was the reason it wasn't showing up in game).
Look Hair! Nouk Dreads Cut - Korinne's hair, which comes with the earlobe and septum piercings!
Dalishious Skin Tints - adds in a ton of extra skin tones, one of which I used for Korinne.
Natural Lighting for Character Creator - makes it so you can actually see what you're doing in the cc.
Daughters of the Stone - adds in the carta outfit that Korinne wears; also had the added bonus of correcting the weird arm proportions on a female dwarf when she wears the gloves, so, score!
Rosemary Cousland

Jenya's Random Hairstyles - Rosemary's hair is "DAI Side Braid Bun" from this mod!
FrecklesPlus - this is a fantastic mod for character creation; I used it for Rosie's freckles, but there's also some really cool warpaint in here, too. Check it out!!
Obsidian's Nobler Noble - mod for Rosie's pretty outfit during the first part of her Origin and I think some nicer armor which I didn't use, but it's still cool!
cmessaz7's hugs - adds in a couple of sweet hugs between a human noble Warden and their family- I was able to get the ones for Fergus and Bryce working, but sadly not Eleanor. There is also apparently a Tamlen one for a fem Mahariel, which I haven't tried yet, but there you go.
Farewell Ser Gilmore - Pain.
Serith Mahariel

PSA: Serith has no actual connection to the Mahariel Origin, but I did make him for fun for like backstory clips (because I think we all wish DAI had some more in depth backstories for the Inquisitors); there are the mods I used! Disclaimer: I never went past Ostagar with these mods, so if they don't work there, I wouldn't know!
Dalish Mage Origin - Pretty self explanatory; before Inquisition, Serith was the Keeper's First in Clan Lavellan. This mod let him at least be a mage!
Look Hair! NewSea Lingering - This is the hair mod I used for Serith and it worked great, but like Korinne's I had to delete and retype the quotation marks in the chargenmorph line before it worked!
Hair Tweaks and Additions - Earlier this year on Twitter, I made Serith in Origins with the half up short ponytail from this mod; I wound up not liking it, but I figured some people might want to know the mod anyway!
Elf Ears - changes the vanilla presets for male and female elves to make the ears more like they look in Inquisition.
DAI Vallaslin for DAO - changes all the Vallaslin in DAO to their DAI versions staying largely accurate to the different gods; I did this to make Serith look more like his DAI look, and had the added benefit of discovering that Tamlen apparently also has Mythal's Vallaslin. So ow.
Dalish Armor Replacement - This is the mod I used to give Tamlen and Serith those Dalish Scout armors from Inquisition; I remember I had to do some fiddling to make it work, I think the solution is in the comments. Honestly, good luck, I don't remember quite how I got it going, but it is possible!
Bi Tamlen Mod - Pretty self explanatory.
Kissing Tamlen - Dalish Elf Origin - Fantastic cutscene mod that adds one of the two romance cutscenes I used in edits between Serith and Tamlen. My favorite crackship.
A Flower from Tamlen - Dalish Elf Origin - The other Tamlen romance mod by the same creator as the other in which Tamlen gives Mahariel a flower in the ruin right before discovering the mirror.
Clan Sabrae Says Goodbye - adds in a cutscene that triggers right before Mahariel leaves in which the Clan holds a funeral for Tamlen; utterly heartbreaking.
Dragon Age 2
No mods. We die like men.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Elaine Trevelyan

The Lady herself! Keep in mind, I ONLY use FrostyToolSuite, not DAImods; I have no idea which, if any, of these mods are also compatible with DAIModManager.Also, almost all of these mods will be just to make cc more dynamic. That's really all I tend to mod in DA:I. I leave gameplay completely alone.
Misc Hairstyles for Frosty: Jessica - Elaine's hair- some clipping, but it moves great and I loved it; also worked in all DLCs including Trespasser!
Elegant Victorian Outfit for EF and Josephine - Elaine's Skyhold outfit; extremely well made, the cape clips a little but not too bad.
Invisible Starting Armor - makes it so the mercenary coat in the prologue is invisible, so whatever you modded in for your PJs are your outfit instead!
KT Character Swaps - this mod is not at all canon to Elaine, but I used the Alistair-Cullen swap to get clips for my romance swap AU between her and Sam; to be honest, this mod was nothing but trouble and 60% of the time I had to load the game without it to get through, but I still got a lot of good clips so... do what you want!
Luna Lavellan

Hairstyle Day DAI - Luna's hair is Mhysa from here!! I couldn't be happier with it tbh.
Shadowed Eyes for Frosty - I got this mod to make Luna's eye color more vibrant and it did, but unless I'm crazy, I think it also made all the NPCs have brighter eyes as well? Idk but, it works great either way!
Vagabond Herbalist Outfit - Luna's outfit from the prologue up through Skyhold.
Elf Pajama Replacers - Luna's Skyhold outfit is "Alienage 04 - Skyhold replacer" from here!!
SK Ballgown Retex - The lovely dress mod I used for Luna at the Winter Palace, which worked perfectly!
Wedding Dress Replacer - I'm not 100% sure how this works, but you need this mod to make it so your Inquisitor can wear a pretty dress instead of whatever modded formal wear the others are wearing!
Resplendent Formal Wear - I used the silver and black one for Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts; it worked flawlessly.
Hawke's Wardrobe - This mod has nothing to do with Luna, but during her playthrough I used it to replace Hawke's armor with Warden armor and make Sam! It was really fun and so cool to see her and Alistair interact a little in Inquisition. It only works for human characters, but I recommend it a lot!
Portrait for Inquisitors - Simple but lovely portrait mod that swaps the Inquisitor's hand portrait for one of their tarot card; I also used this for Elaine and plan to use it for Serith. Honestly I'm gonna use it for every playthrough forever, I just love it a lot.
More to Come!